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Quantum Computing:

6 Areas of Impact




March 31, 2023 | Article

By Abbey Pint

This article highlights six areas this powerful technology is expected to transform.

Written by Abbey Pint

Quantum computing has the potential to transform our world in many ways. The ability of quantum computing to perform complex calculations at unprecedented speeds and with greater accuracy will expedite solutions to some of the world’s greatest challenges. First proposed in the 1980s, today quantum computing is a rapidly evolving field progressing at an unprecedented rate. In recent years, we have seen significant advances in both the development of quantum hardware and the design of quantum algorithms and software. Despite rapid advancements, there are many challenges that need to be overcome before the technology can be widely adopted. However, many industries are already exploring and experimenting with the vast potential of this technology. This article highlights a few areas where we can expect to see significant progress and impact from quantum computing in the coming years. 

1. Drug Discovery

Quantum computing could significantly accelerate the drug discovery process by simulating the behavior of molecules and predicting their interactions with drugs. This can help to identify potential drug candidates and anticipate their efficacy and safety, leading to faster development of new treatments and more personalized medicine.

A primary advantage of quantum computing in drug discovery is its ability to perform complex calculations involving multiple variables simultaneously. This can help researchers more accurately predict the behavior of drugs in the body, including how they interact with specific molecular targets and how they are metabolized. For example, quantum computers could be used to model the interactions between drug molecules and biological systems at an atomic level, which is currently not feasible using classical computers. This could help researchers design drugs with greater specificity and fewer side effects.

Quantum computing could also be used to simulate large biological systems, such as entire cells or organs, to better understand how drugs will behave in these complex environments. This could help researchers identify new targets for drug development and optimize the design of existing drugs. In addition, quantum computing could be used to accelerate the process of virtual screening, in which large databases of potential drug candidates are screened for their ability to bind to specific targets. This could help researchers identify promising drug candidates more quickly and efficiently than traditional methods.

2. Climate Modeling

Quantum computing can help to model complex climate systems, which can help us to better understand and mitigate the effects of climate change. One of the main advantages of quantum computing in climate modeling is its ability to perform complex calculations involving multiple variables simultaneously. This can help researchers more accurately and comprehensively simulate the interactions between different components of the climate system, including the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and ice sheets.

Quantum computing can also be used to simulate large-scale climate phenomena, such as extreme weather events and the impact of climate change on ecosystems. These simulations could help policymakers and scientists better understand the potential impacts of climate change and develop more effective strategies for mitigating its effects.

In addition, quantum computing could be used to optimize the design and placement of renewable energy infrastructure, such as wind turbines and solar panels. This could help reduce the costs and improve the efficiency of renewable energy technologies, which are key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change.

3. Cybersecurity

Quantum computing can break many of the encryption methods that currently protect our online communications and transactions. This is because some of the most widely used encryption schemes rely on the difficulty of factoring large numbers, which can be done much more efficiently using quantum algorithms.

However, quantum computing can also be used to develop new encryption methods that are resistant to quantum attacks. For example, quantum key distribution (QKD) is a technique for securely transmitting information using quantum properties. QKD relies on the principles of quantum mechanics to guarantee the security of the transmitted information, and is resistant to attacks by both classical and quantum computers. Another approach to quantum-resistant cryptography is to develop post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms. These algorithms are designed to be resistant to attacks by both classical and quantum computers, and are being actively researched and developed.

Overall, while quantum computing poses a threat to many existing encryption techniques, it also provides opportunities for developing new encryption methods that are more secure and resistant to attacks by both classical and quantum computers. At this point, it appears there’s equal risk and opportunity surrounding quantum encryption.

4. Optimization

Quantum computing could revolutionize the optimization of complex systems. Optimization is a fundamental problem in many fields, including finance, logistics, engineering, and manufacturing. Optimization involves finding the best solution to a problem, given a set of constraints and objectives. For example, in finance, optimization can be used to determine the optimal allocation of assets in a portfolio, while in logistics, it can be used to optimize delivery routes for a fleet of vehicles. Utilizing quantum computing for optimization could likely lead to more efficient use of resources and reduced costs. 

Quantum computing can be used to solve optimization problems by implementing quantum algorithms that exploit the unique properties of quantum mechanics. One of the most well-known quantum algorithms for optimization is the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), which is designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems. QAOA has been shown to provide speedups over classical optimization algorithms for certain problem instances.

Another quantum algorithm for optimization is the Quantum Annealing algorithm, which is implemented in quantum annealing processors such as D-Wave’s quantum annealers. Quantum annealers are designed to solve optimization problems by finding the minimum energy state of a quantum system that corresponds to the optimal solution of the optimization problem.

Overall, quantum computing has the potential to significantly improve optimization by enabling the solution of problems that are intractable for classical computers. However, much work remains to be done to develop and optimize quantum algorithms for a wide range of optimization problems and to scale up quantum computing hardware to enable the solution of larger problems.

5. Financial Modeling

Utilizing quantum computing power to simulate financial markets and model risk could help investors make better decisions and manage their portfolios more effectively. Improved performance in complex calculations can help researchers more accurately model the interactions between different components of financial systems, including stocks, bonds, currencies, and other financial instruments.

Quantum computing can also be used to optimize financial strategies, such as portfolio optimization and risk management. For example, QAOA could be used to solve optimization problems related to portfolio management, including the selection of assets and the allocation of funds. In addition, quantum computing could be used to develop more accurate and reliable risk models, including various factors such as changes in interest rates, market volatility, and economic conditions.

6. Developing Alternative Energies

Quantum computing has the potential to significantly accelerate the development of alternative energies by enabling more accurate simulations of energy systems and more efficient designs of energy technologies. Quantum computing can help researchers more accurately model the interactions between different components of energy systems, including the generation, storage, and distribution of energy. It can also be used to optimize the design and performance of energy technologies, such as solar cells, batteries, and fuel cells. For example, quantum algorithms such as the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) can be used to optimize the molecular structures of materials used in solar cells and batteries to improve their efficiency and reduce their costs.

In addition, quantum computing can be used to develop new materials with improved properties for energy applications. For example, quantum simulations can be used to identify materials that have the desired properties for energy conversion and storage, and to predict the performance of these materials under different conditions. 

Leaders within the electric vehicle (EV) market are pursuing the use of quantum machines to develop alternative energies and reimagine designs and operations. Quantum computing can offer solutions to optimize battery technology by identifying new battery materials with improved performance and durability, and improving the charging and discharging of batteries to extend their range and reduce charging time. It can also optimize the design of electric motors, maximizing efficiency and performance. 


Undoubtedly, quantum computing’s unparalleled computational power will open up new frontiers, solve global challenges, unleash innovation, and catapult us into the future. We can’t currently grasp the magnitude of quantum computing’s ability to impact and transform science, society, the economy, and even our environment. The evolution of this groundbreaking technology and its effect on our world will be truly exciting to watch unfold.

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